Windows Server 2008 (formerly Longhorn)

Windows Server 2008 is now in Beta 3. Want to know what all the fuss is about?

Windows Server 2008 Frequently Asked Questions

There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but here are the Top 10 Reasons to consider Windows Server 2008

Get Windows Server 2008 Beta

Here is a link to test drive it via Microsoft Technet Virtual Lab (so you don't have to load it on a server in your environment:Virtual Lab - Windows Server 2008

Here is a link to the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 homepage:
Windows Server 2008 Homepage

Here is a link to Microsoft Technet Windows Server 2008 Technical Library:
Windows Server 2008 Technical Library

And, Here is a link to Webcasts and chats on Windows Server 2008:
Windows Server 2008 Webcasts/Chat Sessions

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