Gues Post: Leadership: The Moses - Joshua Connection
This is a guest post from Chris Vonada. Chris is an aspiring author
and professional geologist, and also enjoys reading, running, anything outdoors,
travel, family, friends, music and life! He writes about his passions
at I’m Just Thinkin’ (
-- http://chrisvonada.infoand professional geologist, and also enjoys reading, running, anything outdoors,
travel, family, friends, music and life! He writes about his passions
at I’m Just Thinkin’ (
Leadership: The Moses - Joshua Connection
This may be the most
inspiring lesson in the history of mankind regarding leadership.
Whether you believe in God or
not I hope that you will stick with me through this message as this one, like so
many others from the Bible, is relevant to our world today.
We all know something of
Moses' incredible story. He's the one who God chose to lead the people out of
Egypt and into the promised land, and the one who God gave the 10 commandments
to share with the people. Moses wasn't really thinking he should be "the one"
... when God assigned Moses the task of bringing the people out of Egypt, his
reply was "Who am I?" Also, for one chosen to be the leader, Moses quickly
pointed out to God that he was lacking in communication skills... so God
suggested that Moses utilize the assistance of his brother Aaron to speak to the
Many of us know something about Joshua too... remember Joshua and Caleb
were the only 2 of the 12 spies that came back from the original scouting
mission to the promised land with an encouraging report. Plus, Joshua was the
only one allowed to accompany Moses part way up the mountain when Moses received
the law from God.
Moses had a vision and
marching orders from God... unfortunately, he never lead his people into the
promised land. Moses died before that happened. Fortunately, before Moses passed
away he was able to share with and guide Joshua in the leadership skills
necessary to lead these people... not only INTO the promised land, Joshua lead
the people in a heroic and monumental way that shines the beaming light on this
as one of the greatest mentoring relationships. Ever. Moses chose Joshua and
Joshua became his shadow. God later confirmed this wise choice when he
instructed Moses to name Joshua as his successor.
And that, to me, is the story
of the greatest lesson for any leader... how to help the people around you learn
to perform everything that you can teach them... the task of "making myself
replaceable." We talk about this at church all the time, as any growing
organization should. Making myself replaceable means I can help someone else
learn the skills that I possess... that I'm confident enough in myself and the
organization to tell someone everything I know about my job, without the fear of
becoming obsolete in the process. That frees me up to continue leading and for
the organization to keep growing.
Where would we be if Moses
hadn't made himself replaceable... maybe still wandering in the desert? Maybe
someone would have risen to the occasion... but it certainly made sense then...
as it does now... to always focus on "making myself replaceable."
What do you feel is the
most important leadership skill?