
Showing posts from May, 2021

Drinking the Kool-aid

photo credit: "Drinking the Kool-aid" is a phrase that gets used regularly in today's society. If you are under 40 years old, you probably have no clue where it originated. Back in the 1970s, there was a "minister" by the name of Rev. Jim Jones. Jones had served as student pastor at Sommerset Southside Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1952, but parted ways with the church over racial integration issues. In 1954, he  rented some space in Indianapolis and launched his own church, Community Unity Church. By 1956, he and had garnered enough funds to purchase his own building naming it Wings of Deliverance and then the Peoples Temple Full Gospel Church. In 1959, they joined the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and renamed itself as the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel.   Jones spread a message of racial equality while mixing elements of Christianity, socialism, and progressive idealism ...


 Over a recent dinner with friends, the comment was made that they believed there wasn't a job I hadn't held at some point in my life. I laughed, but honestly there are several jobs I haven't held. I never worked in fast food. Not because I didn't want to, but the owners of the local Dairy Queen when I was in high school wasn't too keen on my reluctance to work on Sundays and wouldn't hire me. But there have been a myriad of jobs I have worked over the years. Photo The first I recall was riding my bike to the local Suwannee Swifty convenience store (which no longer exists) before school every morning and sweeping the parking lot. I think I made $5 a day for it. I worked that job until one morning I finished up, walked to the counter to collect my agreed wages, and the manager looked at me with a smirk and said "Doesn't look too good to me." He pointed out the front window as a big wind whipped up blowing dirt and leaves...