
Showing posts from February, 2010

Lets Eat

Probably the two greatest words in the English language. As a child, those two words always brought excitement in the soul, especially if they were spoken by my Grandmother. Over the last few years, I worked a traveling job and continued to receive recommendations on places to dine. Before any vacation, I have always tried to seek out the recommendations of others who have gone there before. About a year and a half or two years ago, I began tracking two maps with google maps, (1) recommended restaurants that I have yet to try (Suggested Restaurants) and (2) the places I have enjoyed dining (Good Eats). I have had several requests to share these two maps, so here they are. Feel free to send me your recommendations to add to the Suggested Restaurants map. Bon Appetit' Suggested Restaurants: View Suggested Restaurants in a larger map Good Eats: View Good Eats in a larger map

Sunny and Clear

Rolled out of the sack at 8am, donned my UnderArmour, tshirt, jeans, fleece, chaps, jacket, fullface helmet, winter weight gloves and rolled out the Road King. The weather station said 32F and the wind was blowing but the sky was clear and the sun was shining. This is as good as it is gonna get for a while, so its time to put it in the wind, side stand up and turn onto GA 369. 369 is a pleasant two lane highway cutting across what used to be rural North Georgia before the urban sprawl brought the flood of big builders and subdivisions galore. Now it is a mixture of subdivisions, dilapidated chicken houses, an occasional cow pasture, and a good many PVC farms. What is a PVC farm? When a developer begins a new subdivision, they perform a good deal of grading, creating streets, curbing, installing storm and household sewers, and putting in underground water lines. Before a single house begins construction, there is hundreds of green PVC pipes sticking up out of the ground about 3-4 feet h...

‘Kilroy’ was here!

It appeared everywhere during World War II. I even remember learning to draw it growing up. Here is the story behind it: ‘Kilroy’ was inspiration in WWII - Albany Herald

All the Gear All the Time? WHY?

In TweeterWorld, we would call this a retweet. But this is worth everyone posting... After working on his Ninja this weekend, Bill Dwyer (Atlas Rider) , longtime rider and ATGATT advocate from the Phoenix valley area, decided to take it on a test run around parking lot of his apartment complex. And before you send my your sarcastic comments about why AGATT is for sissies, watch his video, look at his hands, face, and legs and consider that he has been riding motorcycles for four years and thousands of miles. No matter what your skill level and no matter how many years you have in the saddle, it can happen to anyone in a moments notice.

Things That Make You go "HUH?"

"I like an escalator, because an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You'll never see an 'Escalator Out of Order' sign, only 'Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.'" -- Mitch Hedberg Apparently, Mitch never met MARTA As reported on local news... much to mine and many MARTA riders chagrin Friday morning, MARTA elected to shutdown 100 of approx 140 Escalators in its train stations last Thursday night around 8pm. They did it for safety reasons. The transit system discovered that a service contractor's employee had bypassed a safety switch on an escalator that stops the escalator from moving if it encountered resistance (like someone's shoe caught in it or such. They determined all of the escalators in their system that the particular technician had either inspected or repaired and shut them off. I have absolutely no problem with that move and salute them for it. My question is this, however. After shutting off th...