
Showing posts from June, 2008

Mother, Mother Ocean

(The Jolly Rover) “Mother, Mother Ocean. I have heard you call. Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall. You’ve seen it all. You’ve seen it all…” We sat patiently in the Atlanta Airport for our 7:10pm Delta flight to Key West. The gate agent announced it would be delayed to 7:30pm. 7:30pm came and went and we finally began “boarding” at 7:45pm. I quickly laughed that they opened boarding first to the medallion members and then to all others like a normal flight when I descended the stairs and realized we were boarding a bus, not the aircraft. Once we were a mass of shoulder to shoulder flesh pressing mass, the bus took us over to our aircraft, and we finally settled in for our one hour flight. As we began our final descent into Key West we began seeing lightning off to our left. A few minutes later it was on both sides of us and we bounced our way thru the clouds and finally the lights of the island came into view. As we descended the stairs, I saw the greeting on ...

I do What I Can

After three consecutive weeks riding back and forth to Vidalia. I'm finally home. Yesterday we were preparing to attend a cookout with the couples from our small group and my charming wife was making homemade tater salad. (potato salad for you non-southerners). She summoned me to the kitchen to assist when she couldn't get the top off of the sweet relish. Three valiant attempts and I couldn't open it either. What to do? I walked out to the garage, opened my toolbox, retrieved an oil filter wrench and opened that jar in a jiffy. Maybe I need to start reselling oil filter wrenches labelled as jar openers :)

Quality Time

As long as I’ve owned a motorcycle, my daughter has remarked she would like me to take her home to her mom’s after her weekend at our house on my bike. Usually she has so much stuff with her I simply cannot get it all on a motorcycle (especially when I had the Sportster). Well today all of the planets aligned for her. She had brought just the basics. When we woke up it was raining, thundering and lightning. When we got out of the morning worship service, the rain was gone and the sun was peeking out. By the time we had lunch, and she started gathering her things, it looked absolutely beautiful outside. So, I told her to get her leathers and boots on and load her things on Rosie. The trip from out house to my daughter’s mother’s house is around an hour’s worth of riding. As we set out on GA SR 369, the sun was shining and a cool wind kept things comfortable. The mufflers on Rosie keep things manageable enough that we could carry on a conversation without an intercom system, so we chatte...


Don't expect to see me on this thing anytime soon, but it is interesting. MotorUnicycle