"We Ride Never Worry 'Bout the Fall, Guess That's Just the Cowboy in us All" - Tim McGraw

I took my bike to the local bike shop to have the rear tire replaced yesterday after work. They displayed their true professionalism by calling at 9:30am this morning to let me know it was ready. When I got off work today, my wife carried me over to pick it up. As we were on our way it was lightly sprinkling, and the radio folks were talking about a storm system moving in from the southwest.

As I departed from the bike shop the rain began to pickup, so I elected to forego riding on the traffic packed highway route home and chose to come across the two lane across the lake. I had no problem with traffic or manuevering the tight turns across the dam in the rain. I made it all the way into town without issue. As I came thru town, the road makes a 90 degree turn and as I entered the turn at what seemed an incredibly slow speed, the back end came unglued. I felt Autumn's rear tire sliding out from under me. I tried to jam my left foot down to right things, but it was to no avail - I felt my boot skidding on the slippery surface. Suddenly Autumn was sliding on the asphalt, and I was on flopping like a rag doll. I stopped with my head lying on top of the curb.

Fortunately, traffic behind me stopped. Several kind folks got out and helped me get Autumn up and out of the roadway so I could survey the damage: Broken mirror, broken clutch lever, broken left rear tailight. Me? I'm ok. I jammed my left knee pretty good and my neck and left shoulder are sore. Thank God for a GOOD fullface helmet and full leathers. I have a spot on one boot about the size of a dime that got a little thin. I have a really small bit of roadrash where my glove rolled up a little during the slide right where it meets the arm of my leather jacket. Pretty fortunate I'd say.

Take a good look at the pictures of my helmet and consider: Are you wearing good gear? DOT/Snell rated helmet or a novelty? Full leathers or flips-flops, tank top and cut offs?

Ride Safe!

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