
Showing posts from February, 2009


For Valentines, the wife and I went into the city, Little 5 Points to be exact. We had dinner at Front Page News . Front Page News is a little bit of authentic New Orleans cooking right in Atlanta. The dining area is gorgeously decorated with New Orleans style metal railing around a balcony. The food was quite delicious. The wife had shrimp and grits which were topped with a corn relish that she raved about. The service was great and the atmosphere was enjoyable and relaxing. Please excuse the quality of this photo, it was the best the cellphone could render, but there was this series of abbreviations over the bar that caught my attention... I.I.T.Y.W.I.M.W.Y.B.M.A.D I was curious, but did not inquire with the wait staff. I googled it instead :) "If I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink?" I wonder how many folks have collected a free drink (or how many drinks) from that sign. But the main reason we were in Little 5 for Valentines Day, was to hear a Texas musician ...

We Interrupt this Winter to Give You Some Riding Weather

God smiled down on the Metro area this past weekend and this week. Lows were in the 40F's and that spells really wonderful riding weather. When I came out of the office for lunch Monday, I quickly noticed that Rosie wasn't sitting all alone in the parking lot. There were 4 other bikes sitting quitely to keep her company. I'm betting they were swapping stories about their riders dumb moves and the road rash they've taken because of them. But at least they're polite. I haven't heard Rosie grumbling at me, and I'm pretty sure she was smiling when I let her have a romp off the light Tuesday morning when the aggressive lil turbo Mitsubishi cage was next to us. Here is hoping everyone has gotten a lil warmer weather, glimpses of sunshine and blue skies, and opportunities to ride. -Peace


The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - e.e.cummings (1894-1962)

A Life Dedicated to Others

From a humble upbringing in Alabama, Millard Fuller graduated from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, and then graduated from the University of Alabama Law School at Tuscaloosa. With partnership from a college friend, Fuller launched a marketing firm before graduating. By the age of 29, Fuller had earned his first million dollars. But as he was enjoying success in business, his marriage and health were suffering. Things became severe enough that Fuller put his career on hold and re-evaluated his priorities. After reconciling with his wife, Fuller elected to launch into a new direction. Fuller and his wife sold everything they owned and gave the money to the poor. They moved to a Christian community near Americus, Georgia called "Koinonia Farm". With the founder of Koinonia Farm and small group of others, Fuller created a housing ministry building houses on a no-interest and non-profit basis for low income families. Homeowners were required to invest "sweat quity"...

Miserable Week for Motorcycles

I dressed warmly for the ride in on Monday. Temp was bobbling around 28-40F when I left the house but the 40 minute ride was enjoyable. When I left work to make the ride home it was raining. My check of the weather guessers website had said 10 percent chance the night before, so they let me down, silly weather guessers. I retrieved my frogtops (rain suit) pulled em on over my riding leathers and headed for the highway. I kept myself focused on the 5pm bumper to bumper commuter traffic on the way home and threw in a few extra hondapottimus counts between myself and the cars ahead of me in my lane. I arrived home and still dry thanks to the fullface helmet and frogtogs. Tuesday I awoke to 20F weather and strong winds. Sorry folks, I opted out of riding. I just couldn't talk myself into it. The weather guessers had predicted wintry mix, and I gave consideration for some of the remaining moisture from Monday's rain would be frozen in unexpected locations on the ride in. Couple the ...