90 Percenter

A few years ago when I was running my own computer store in a little town of 5,000, a good friend/mentor was running a auto body shop. One day at lunch, he was describing a dilemma he was dealing with in his business. He began discussing one of his employees by saying he was dependable, hard working, and easy to work around. I could sense the impending "but". "But", he continued, and he began airing his frustration with the body man's finish work. The guy could disassemble the car, perform structural repairs, straighten frames, weld, bolt on new body panels, and all the heavy lifting parts of the job. But when it came down to the fine details of bondo or fiberglass, filling, sanding, and preparing to paint, he seemed to come a bit short. The owner said it seemed that "aww, that good enough" seemed to be the sentiment on detail work. The owner said he spent hours on end showing him the process, sanding, smoothing, test painting, sanding agai...