Jeffrey's Bike

While it has rained across 90% of the state of Georgia today, we missed it with a heavy cloud cover and cool breezes. So, it made a perfect day to drive to the southside of Atlanta and pickup Jeffrey's newly purchased 2003 Honda Shadow. So, we did! I had the distinct pleasure of riding it back for him up I-85, and I had a blast. We had a good lunch at Waffle House and then hit the interstate. After we got back to his house, I even let him ride it some :)

It has a set of Vance and Hines shortie drag pipes on it. With these pipes the 750cc V-twin runs along nicely, and it gets attention. Loud pipes save lives, right? I'm thinking that they will annoy his neighbors and maybe his wife.

He has quizzed me from lubing the chain to changing the oil. Can you tell from the picture that he is a happy camper?

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