
Showing posts from March, 2020

Book Launch Invitation!

Hey Y'all, I’ve got some pretty exciting news: It’s almost time for my next book to be released! It’s called Shaken Awake - The Complete Trilogy , and it releases on April 30, 2020. My publisher, Charm House Publishing, and I want to invite you to join the launch team! Shaken Awake - The Complete Trilogy is three books in one. Shaken Awake, Awakened, and Woke! Chances are you have read Shaken Awake and Awakened and have been patiently waiting for a conclusion to the series. This is the entire story start to finish! The Shaken Awake Launch Team will be a fun and personalized group with only so many spots available, so apply now. Details are listed below: WHAT YOU WILL GET: ●       A chance to read the book before anyone else does.   All eligible team members will receive an Advanced Abbreviated Reader digital copy of the book. ●       Access to the private Facebook group ●       In...