
Showing posts from December, 2006

Want to put a 3" Open Primary on a Sportster?

primary belt drive for Sportster from Nasty Bikes

Festivus Catching On?

Fesitvus Poles

Merry Christmas

Ok...shameless plug for Coca-Cola at the end, but this IS Atlanta the home of Coke

You Meet the Nicest People on Two Wheels...

The last week or two have just been fun experiences commuting (never heard someone in a cage say that!) My evening commute takes me thru an area that gets pretty congested, and people begin to drive with a bit less caution. The other evening I was in the right hand lane and the left hand lane was completely stopped. Along my route another bike had come in behind me, and we were riding in riding (staggered) formation. Suddenly, one of the cars in the left lane decided he wanted to switch lanes as I was beside him. He made a sudden weave into my lane and I made a quick swerve into the turn lane next to me and back in front of the car. I quickly looked in the mirror to see if my newly aquirred commute partner had gotten stopped without issue. What I saw was suprising, he had gunned the throttle and went around the car as well. He came along side me to air his displeasure with the cage driver. It was a nice to hear someone with my viewpoint on what just happened and that could understand w

The Joys of Commuting

Last night on my way home from work my commute was a little bit more exciting than normal. If you've ever commuted on a motorcycle in the Greater Atlanta Metro area, you have probably come to accept that someone is going to swerve over into your lane and force you to make a "survival maneuver" at least once a day. My experience has not changed that presumption. But last night was different. I'm riding on a controlled access major highway (what they call roads with overpasses and on/offramps). Traffic is moderately heavy but the left hand lane is running around 75 mph. I'm behind a mini-van (as the billboard says, there are NO cool minivans). Suddenly I see something round and white come out of the rear side window of the van and bounce in the roadway. Golfball? I don't know. Then another one comes out the window and bounces. I'm concentrating on not getting hit by whatever it is and avoiding running over it. Can you imagine running over a golfball at 75 mp

Merry Chrismas from the Family

No one can put me in the Christmas spirit better than Robert Earl Keen. Enjoy!


I admit it, I still think Festivus is funny, so in the spirit of Festivus... An Overview of Festivus? What is Festivus - the Video Festivus Holiday Sounds

Trunk Monkey

I mentioned the Trunk Monkey while talking to some friends this weekend and got a few blank stares, so... Here is today's moment of Zin!

Carpe Diem

"Carpe Diem" - sieze the day what goes thru your mind when you hear that phrase? We get so caught up in what we are facing in life that we lose sight of the big picture. Financial struggles, career crossroads, illness, etc easily distracts us and we tend to put life on hold and focus on the current problem at hand. How much quality time in life have we wasted worrying, fretting, or stewing over the current problems facing us? Several years ago my grandfather was battling cancer and was losing the fight. He made a mental list of the things he wanted to accomplish, things he wanted to see, etc before he died. One of the things he told me during that period was "live like there is no tomorrow." Consider what relationships are valuable to you and make sure those people know how you feel about them. Despite whatever you are facing at the moment, consider what you could do today that would help you sieze the day.

Gentle Reminders

I struggle with being so busy that at times I forget to stop and smell the roses. On my way home in August, I had an opportunity to remember how great God is and how wonderful His creation is. Here's a poor quality picture from my cellphone. I encourage you to pause and appreciate the beauty of the earth around us and recognize God's fingerprints on it.