
Over the last couple of weeks, I have talked to friends and family that have been struggling to deal with the events that life has been dumping in the laps as of late. A co-worker who just buried her best friend the weekend before last was at her parent's for dinner last night, and her father had a heart attack.

Another friend is struggling with a son's addiction and pursuing intervention. Another struggling with customers who drop of tons of work but then duck and dodge him when its time to pay and pick up their work. Another dealing with a son debating dropping out of college. The list goes on and on.

At times, we can get caught up in the events of day to day life and begin to feel like its a frustrating struggle. But be of good cheer. Remember what Jesus told his disciples at their last meeting?

John 16:33:  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

There is light just past the darkness, press on through.


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