And Then the Rains Stopped...

The weather guessers predicted rain this week, so begrudged, I commuted in the cage. One morning it was a deluge and traffic was horrendous, but by the afternoon the sun was out. And to add insult to injury I saw a couple motorcycles on the highway on the commute home. But I was holding on to the prediction that the rain would end Wednesday night and it would be clear, windy, and colder Thursday morning.

WRONG! I awoke Thursday morning to rain beating on the bedroom window. The first thought through my mind was I am not willing to fight metro traffic in this weather on the bike. So another commute in the cage. And again traffic was maddening, a 42 mile drive took and hour and 20 minutes. But at least I had time to pray for friends and family dealing with illness and co-workers suffering the loss of a friend.

This morning it was cloudy and 37F. That was all I needed. A Sweater under my riding leathers, a fleece scarf, and a insulated half mask under my fullface helmet and I was adequately prepared for the cooler temps.

Merging onto the highway seemed so effortless on the bike. Moving thru traffic was easier as well. I always marvel at the difference. Driving the pickup seems so clumsy when compared to riding a motorcycle. The bike has better throttle response, better maneuverability, and heck you feel so in tune with the world, so alive.

Arriving at the office, I could feel a lighter spirit and a smile. Therapeutic commuting I would say.

I stopped to get a cup of coffee before going up to the office and a guy in front of me greeted me. He noted I still had my Joe Rocket jacket on and asked, "Is that your Burgundy bike downstairs?" I acknowledged it was and an enjoyable conversation ensued. He rides dirt bikes and his girlfriends son has bought a 250 street bike and has been riding for 6 months with no license or training. This week the teenager announced he is selling the 250cc bike and buying a 929cc bike. Needless to say this gentleman is trying to convince the girlfriend that this is not the best idea in the world.

I suggested lobbying her to require the young man to attend motorcycle safety class and obtaining a motorcycle license. And, I submitted that a 600cc upgrade should be the next move not a 929. I added the situation to my prayer list as I remember my approach to driving when I was 16 and can only imagine what life would have been like if I had been allowed to have a motorcycle at that point in my life. It is only by the grace of God that I survived my teenage years as it is.

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