A Rainy Night in Georgia...

"Hoverin' by my suitcase, tryin' to find a warm place to spend the night
Heavy rain fallin', seems I hear your voice callin' "It's all right."
A rainy night in Georgia, a rainy night in Georgia
It seems like it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world"
- Tony Joe White, 1962

It has rained for three days now and tonight's news and weather guessers claim it is going to rain until Monday. It is the kind of weather that makes you shiftless, lazy, and wanting to nap. I tend to get cabin fever after a while and can't be boxed in. So, when the wife decided she wanted an ice cream from McDonalds, I did not put up a fight.

The McDonald's at GA 400 and GA 306 has for years been operated by someone who has an affinity for older motorcycles. I remember the first time I walked in it there was an Indian Scout, and Indian Chief, a 1950s Harley, and a 1990 Harley Softail.

Last year they embarked on a great remodelling job on the McDonalds and the bike collection was notably absent ever since. Even after the remodel was complete and the new McCafe' coffee bar was up and running, the McDonalds was sans V-Twins.

So tonight, I was quite pleasantly surprised to walk in and see an older Harley Electra-glide and an Indian sitting in the window. I'll let the art speak for itself.

Neither of these two bikes were from the previous display. So, I'd say someone has a nice collection of vintage motorcycles somewhere :)

All it well in the world once again, despite the onslaught of socialism.


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