Review: Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? – Eugene Cho

"We do what we do because we love God and we love the people whom God loves. We love the things that God loves and what reflects the character of God. We do justice not because it is sexy, glamorous, or trendy, but because God loves justice. Justice isn’t a clothing accessory we wear when it becomes fashionable, but rather it is something we live into because it reflects the character of God."
- Eugene Cho

Eugene Cho challenges us to truly pursue justice, and to be willing to make the personal sacrifices that the pursuit will ultimately force us to make. In an age of short-term mission trips and numerous opportunities to change the world, many people love the idea of justice and doing good until it begins to require some sacrifice, and it always will. Pursuing justice will come with a cost, and it will change us. Change is painful, but if we stick with it, the changes are good. Instead of pursuing justice because the world is broken, we need to recognize we are also broken. By serving others, we begin to get a better glimpse of God’s heart and His character, and we begin to change.

Over and over again, we read in the Bible that God loves justice. It goes on to command us to pursue justice and to live justly. Instead of watching the evening news and recognizing the injustice in the world and in our communities, we are called to pursue justice. Why? Because ultimately justice reflects the character of God. If we are truly a follower of Jesus, then we are called to love the people He loves and our hearts should break for the things that break His heart.

Finally, Cho challenges us to take time to “go deep” in our convictions. Study, research, and become an expert in the area of our passion. Instead of simply blindly launching out on a mission to do good, to consider the impact of what we are considering and ensuring that it does in fact have a positive long-term result.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who truly wants to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world.

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