Someone finally got fed up with being P.C. and putting up with parents who refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their children. Bully for the lady who recorded this!
This is a guest post from Chris Vonada. Chris is an aspiring author and professional geologist, and also enjoys reading, running, anything outdoors, travel, family, friends, music and life! He writes about his passions at I’m Just Thinkin’ ( ). -- Leadership: The Moses - Joshua Connection This may be the most inspiring lesson in the history of mankind regarding leadership. Whether you believe in God or not I hope that you will stick with me through this message as this one, like so many others from the Bible, is relevant to our world today. We all know something of Moses' incredible story. He's the one who God chose to lead the people out of Egypt and into the promised land, and the one who God gave the 10 commandments to share with the people. Moses wasn't really thinking he should be "the one" ... when God assigned Moses the task of bringing the people out of Egypt, his reply...
The other day, someone stopped me and commented on the stuffed moose in a co-workers cubicle. The co-worker asked what a moose had to do with Christmas. I replied, "Oh, that is the Christmas Moose." I quickly realized my co-worker had never heard the legend of the Christmas Moose. As the days have progressed, it has become obivious to me that a lot of people are unfamiliar with one of the most vital parts of the story of Santa and the reindeer. So, here is the legend of the Christmas Moose. Several years ago, Santa had a run of misfortune. He experienced a bad landing almost turning over the sleigh and then someone took several shots at the reindeer as they were preparing to land at another house. Once Santa and his team of reindeer returned to the North Pole, a townhall meeting was held to evaluate options and ensure the safety of Santa and the reindeer. Ideas and brainstorming ensued with suggestions ranging from satellite defense systems, arming the sleigh with sidewinder ...