Miserable Week for Motorcycles

I dressed warmly for the ride in on Monday. Temp was bobbling around 28-40F when I left the house but the 40 minute ride was enjoyable. When I left work to make the ride home it was raining. My check of the weather guessers website had said 10 percent chance the night before, so they let me down, silly weather guessers. I retrieved my frogtops (rain suit) pulled em on over my riding leathers and headed for the highway. I kept myself focused on the 5pm bumper to bumper commuter traffic on the way home and threw in a few extra hondapottimus counts between myself and the cars ahead of me in my lane. I arrived home and still dry thanks to the fullface helmet and frogtogs.

Tuesday I awoke to 20F weather and strong winds. Sorry folks, I opted out of riding. I just couldn't talk myself into it. The weather guessers had predicted wintry mix, and I gave consideration for some of the remaining moisture from Monday's rain would be frozen in unexpected locations on the ride in. Couple the odds of unexpected ice patches and bumper to bumper traffic and freaking cold and I opted out.

Today wasn't much of an improvement. When I awoke it was 16F and 20mph winds. Although I was not concerned with ice, I just couldn't talk myself into riding in weather this cold. Tomorrow is supposed to more of the same if the weather guessers are close. So, I guess the truck is going to get driven another day. Maybe it could use a little more drive time to charge up the battery. I'm about tired of the winter weather below 20F, but I guess we all have to deal with the effects of Global Warming where ever we are.

Here's to looking forward to the temps climbing above 30F and sunshine!


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