Get Out of Town!

Listening all week to my wife decompress from the pressures of the end of the month processing at her job, I thought that she needed some downtime without any requirements. And, even if it were for just a day, going out of town would probably be a good idea. So, that is just what we did.

Saturday morning, we hit the interstate and made our way to Chattanooga. It had been several years since we visited the Tennessee Aquarium, and we had heard they had expanded since our last visit.

We recalled the Tennessee Aquarium being a top notch attraction the last time we visited the "River Journey" - the fresh water aquarium. They raised the bar and set a new standard when they built the "Ocean Journey" - the salt water aquarium.

This trip I took our camera and shot over 200 photos. I will resist the tempation to make you endure all 200, but here is a sampling of this great treasure.

River Journey

Ocean Journey

Chattanooga has done and incredible job with the development of the area surrounding the aquarium campus with a variety of hotels and restaraunts within walking distance as well as an IMAX theater. Built on the banks of the Tennessee River, there are even two-hour river boat excursions available.

One of the restaraunts that is with in easy walking distance from the aquarium is Big River Grille & Brewing Works. I have to give them kudos. The service is top notch. The food is unbelievable and for those who like beer, they brew their own.

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