Back in the Saddle Again

The title for those of you too young to recognize it is from the song by the same name by Gene Autry. If you need more info: Gene Autry.

After deciding that I had somehow been relocated to the great white north, the mercury started creeping to the upward side of 40F this past weekend and that caught my attention. So, I checked my handy dandy 10 day forecast on the weather guessers website and noted that lows for the week would be high 30s/low 40s and the highs for the week would be in the mid 60s and clear. I then declared I would be riding to work all week.

Monday I awoke to 37F clear and dark. I bundled up including a half mask under the full face helmet and a fleece scarf and set off on my roughly one hour commute. By the time I reached downtown and the motorcycle designated parking at the office, I was energized and glad I had ridden. I had been missing riding the bike for the commute and about tired of winter as it were.

The ride home was even more enjoyable despite the typical aggravation of the afternoon commute. It was 63F sunny and clear. I almost felt like I had snuck a one hour motorcycle ride in.

This morning was almost a repeat of Monday morning, temps and conditions were almost exactly the same. This afternoon's commute was again warm and clear - perfect for enjoying a motorcycle ride. The ride home from my night class was a little chillier but still quite enjoyable.

These unseasonably enjoyable days are supposed to stick around through the end of the week, so I am going to get as much riding packed in while I can before it all goes south again.

Here is hoping you are managing to get a few days of riding in where ever you are.


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